We address the problem of unsupervised domain adaptation when the source domain differs from the target domain because of a shift in the distribution of a latent subgroup. When this subgroup confounds all observed data, neither covariate shift nor label shift assumptions apply. We show that the optimal target predictor can be non-parametrically identified with the help of concept and proxy variables available only in the source domain, and unlabeled data from the target. The identification results are constructive, immediately suggesting an algorithm for estimating the optimal predictor in the target. For continuous observations, when this algorithm becomes impractical, we propose a latent variable model specific to the data generation process at hand. We show how the approach degrades as the size of the shift changes, and verify that it outperforms both covariate and label shift adjustment.
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Machine learning can impact people with legal or ethical consequences when it is used to automate decisions in areas such as insurance, lending, hiring, and predictive policing. In many of these scenarios, previous decisions have been made that are unfairly biased against certain subpopulations, for example those of a particular race, gender, or sexual orientation. Since this past data may be biased, machine learning predictors must account for this to avoid perpetuating or creating discriminatory practices. In this paper, we develop a framework for modeling fairness using tools from causal inference. Our definition of counterfactual fairness captures the intuition that a decision is fair towards an individual if it is the same in (a) the actual world and (b) a counterfactual world where the individual belonged to a different demographic group. We demonstrate our framework on a real-world problem of fair prediction of success in law school. * Equal contribution. This work was done while JL was a Research Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. 2 https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2016/05/04/big-risks-big-opportunities-intersection-big-dataand-civil-rights 31st Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2017),
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Remote sensing imagery provides comprehensive views of the Earth, where different sensors collect complementary data at different spatial scales. Large, pretrained models are commonly finetuned with imagery that is heavily augmented to mimic different conditions and scales, with the resulting models used for various tasks with imagery from a range of spatial scales. Such models overlook scale-specific information in the data. In this paper, we present Scale-MAE, a pretraining method that explicitly learns relationships between data at different, known scales throughout the pretraining process. Scale-MAE pretrains a network by masking an input image at a known input scale, where the area of the Earth covered by the image determines the scale of the ViT positional encoding, not the image resolution. Scale-MAE encodes the masked image with a standard ViT backbone, and then decodes the masked image through a bandpass filter to reconstruct low/high frequency images at lower/higher scales. We find that tasking the network with reconstructing both low/high frequency images leads to robust multiscale representations for remote sensing imagery. Scale-MAE achieves an average of a $5.0\%$ non-parametric kNN classification improvement across eight remote sensing datasets compared to current state-of-the-art and obtains a $0.9$ mIoU to $3.8$ mIoU improvement on the SpaceNet building segmentation transfer task for a range of evaluation scales.
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With the rise in high resolution remote sensing technologies there has been an explosion in the amount of data available for forest monitoring, and an accompanying growth in artificial intelligence applications to automatically derive forest properties of interest from these datasets. Many studies use their own data at small spatio-temporal scales, and demonstrate an application of an existing or adapted data science method for a particular task. This approach often involves intensive and time-consuming data collection and processing, but generates results restricted to specific ecosystems and sensor types. There is a lack of widespread acknowledgement of how the types and structures of data used affects performance and accuracy of analysis algorithms. To accelerate progress in the field more efficiently, benchmarking datasets upon which methods can be tested and compared are sorely needed. Here, we discuss how lack of standardisation impacts confidence in estimation of key forest properties, and how considerations of data collection need to be accounted for in assessing method performance. We present pragmatic requirements and considerations for the creation of rigorous, useful benchmarking datasets for forest monitoring applications, and discuss how tools from modern data science can improve use of existing data. We list a set of example large-scale datasets that could contribute to benchmarking, and present a vision for how community-driven, representative benchmarking initiatives could benefit the field.
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With the advancement in computing and robotics, it is necessary to develop fluent and intuitive methods for interacting with digital systems, augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR) interfaces, and physical robotic systems. Hand motion recognition is widely used to enable these interactions. Hand configuration classification and MCP joint angle detection is important for a comprehensive reconstruction of hand motion. sEMG and other technologies have been used for the detection of hand motions. Forearm ultrasound images provide a musculoskeletal visualization that can be used to understand hand motion. Recent work has shown that these ultrasound images can be classified using machine learning to estimate discrete hand configurations. Estimating both hand configuration and MCP joint angles based on forearm ultrasound has not been addressed in the literature. In this paper, we propose a CNN based deep learning pipeline for predicting the MCP joint angles. The results for the hand configuration classification were compared by using different machine learning algorithms. SVC with different kernels, MLP, and the proposed CNN have been used to classify the ultrasound images into 11 hand configurations based on activities of daily living. Forearm ultrasound images were acquired from 6 subjects instructed to move their hands according to predefined hand configurations. Motion capture data was acquired to get the finger angles corresponding to the hand movements at different speeds. Average classification accuracy of 82.7% for the proposed CNN and over 80% for SVC for different kernels was observed on a subset of the dataset. An average RMSE of 7.35 degrees was obtained between the predicted and the true MCP joint angles. A low latency (6.25 - 9.1 Hz) pipeline has been proposed for estimating both MCP joint angles and hand configuration aimed at real-time control of human-machine interfaces.
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图表自学学习(GSSL)铺平了无需专家注释的学习图嵌入的方式,这对分子图特别有影响,因为可能的分子数量很大,并且标签昂贵。但是,通过设计,GSSL方法没有经过训练,可以在一个下游任务上表现良好,而是旨在将其转移到许多人方面,从而使评估不那么直接。作为获得具有多种多样且可解释属性的分子图嵌入曲线的一步,我们引入了分子图表示评估(Molgrapheval),这是一组探针任务,分为(i)拓扑 - ,(ii)子结构 - 和(iii)和(iii)嵌入空间属性。通过对现有下游数据集和Molgrapheval上的现有GSSL方法进行基准测试,我们发现单独从现有数据集中得出的结论与更细粒度的探测之间存在令人惊讶的差异,这表明当前的评估协议没有提供整个图片。我们的模块化,自动化的端到端GSSL管道代码将在接受后发布,包括标准化的图形加载,实验管理和嵌入评估。
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